Category Archives: Financial Reform News

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AFR Comment Letter: Supervision Needed for Debt Collectors and Credit Bureaus

AFR submitted a comment letter urging the CFPB to thoroughly examine debt collectors and credit bureaus who affect millions of consumers. Supervision of debt collectors and credit bureaus enables the CFPB to detect problems early, prevent or resolve violations quickly, and have a better understanding of the consumer products and services it regulates.

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AFR Letter: Oppose HR 3527

AFR sent a letter to the House urging members to oppose HR 3527, which would create unnecessary roadblocks to enforcement of derivatives oversight on big Wall Street banks and the financial services industry.

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This Week in Wall Street Reform

Click here to view this week’s highlights and lowlights in Wall Street Reform – March 24, 2012 – March, 30, 2012. Please note: Compiling and distributing ‘This Week in Wall Street Reform’ will be in a period of transition in the coming weeks, so please bear

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AFR Letter: Oppose HR 2586

AFR sent a letter to the House voicing our strong opposition to HR 2586, the “Swaps Execution Facility Clarification Act”. HR 2586 would undermine a key element of derivatives reform – the attempt to create transparent, competitive markets for previously ‘dark’ over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives.

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AFR Letter: Oppose HR 3283

AFR sent a letter to the House this morning urging members to oppose HR 3283. HR 3283 would allow U.S. banks to evade Dodd-Frank derivatives regulation by dealing through their foreign subsidiaries. This could fatally undermine derivatives oversight.