Category Archives: Financial Reform News

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AFR and AFL-CIO Oppose Anti-Investor JOBS Act General Solicitation Rule

In a joint comment letter submitted today to the Securities and Exchange Commission, AFR and AFL-CIO expressed strong opposition to the agency’s proposed rule lifting the ban on general solicitation and advertising in private offerings. The groups called on the SEC to withdraw the rule proposal and issue a new rule incorporating reasonable safeguards to protect investors and promote market integrity.

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AFR In The News: Groups Blast Muni Advisor Bill In Letter To Lawmakers

The Bond Buyer devoted an article to AFR and affiliated groups letter of opposition to HR 2827, which would roll back Dodd-Frank protections for taxpayers in municipal finance. An excerpt: Seven groups, led by Americans for Financial Reform, urged lawmakers to vote “no” to H.R.

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AFR in the News: Volcker Rule Still a Hot Topic on Capitol Hill

More than 100 members of Congress have communicated with the Federal Reserve and other regulators about the yet-to-be-finalized Volcker Rule, which is supposed to restrain banks from making risky trades or investing in hedge funds. “The Fed, like all regulators, provides feedback to lawmakers,” Ben

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AFR Letter: Safeguard Consumers from Risky Online Payday Lending

[Download PDF] July 24, 2012 The Honorable Jeff Merkley United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senator Merkley: We, the undersigned consumer and community organizations, write to support your legislation to protect consumers from high-risk lending on the internet and offline. The Stopping Abuse and

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American Banksters

For those who have forgotten (or never fully understood) the tawdry details of the housing bubble and foreclosure epidemic, the Opportunity Agenda breaks it all down in “American Banksters.”  This three-minute video aims to inspire public activism and help bring pressure upon the presidential candidates