Category Archives: Financial Reform News

PIRG Report on bank fees

Big Banks, Bigger Fees

PIRG’s new national survey shows bigger banks are more likely to charge for checking accounts. And fewer than half of all bank branches readily disclose fees, as the law requires.

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AFR in the News: Wall Street Firms Gambled on Mitt Romney and Lost

“Americans blame banks for the 2008 financial crisis, and view financial reform as a way to ensure that bad mortgages and repackaged debt don’t trigger another banking collapse.” That’s one of the clear the lessons of the 2012 elections – and a big problem for

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It’s Past Time to Implement the Volcker Rule, Senators Say

Senators Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) and Carl Levin (D-Mich.) have appealed to regulators to finish work on the Volcker Rule, which was meant to prevent banks from engaging in hedge-fund style trading. That basic principle has been “the law of the land for over two years,”

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AFR in the News: FDIC Looks Into Big Banks Making Payday Loans

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. is looking into payday loan-like products offered by U.S. Bank, Wells Fargo and other lenders. The inquiry, according to the Portland (Ore.) Business Journal grew out of a February letter in which Americans for Financial Reform and more than 200