Category Archives: Financial Reform News

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AFR Statement: Don’t Delay or Gut The Fiduciary Rule

Americans for Financial Reform, a broad coalition including civil rights groups, consumer advocates, community organizations, and labor unions, today called on the Trump administration to abandon its proposal to delay a planned rule that protects ordinary investors from unscrupulous financial advisers.

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AFR IN THE NEWS: Banks Spent Record Amounts on Lobbying in Recent Election (Reuters)

“Banks and other financial companies expecting big benefits from Republican-led deregulation spent record amounts on lobbying in the last election cycle… The financial sector spent $2 billion on political activity from the beginning of 2015 to the end of 2016, including $1.2 billion in campaign contributions – more than twice the amount given by any other business sector, according to the study from Americans for Financial Reform.”

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AFR IN THE NEWS: The Problem with Trump’s Plan to Boost Wall Street: Banks are More Profitable Than Ever (Washington Post)

“’Hard data on bank earnings and lending should lay to rest any notion that financial regulations are holding back the American economy, or getting in the way of American banks making money,’ Marcus Stanley, policy director at Americans for Financial Reform, said in a statement. ‘These claims are just an excuse to dismantle hard-won protections for consumers and financial stability.’
Since the financial crisis, the banking industry has largely thrived, according to the FDIC data. “

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AFR IN THE NEWS: Labor Department Proposes proposes delay of retirement advisor rule until June to conduct Trump-ordered review (LA Times)

“Lisa Donner, executive director of Americans for Financial Reform, a coalition that supports tougher Wall Street regulations, said the delay was ‘clearly part of the administration’s plan’ to scrap the rule.

‘Blocking the common-sense, long-overdue rule, which requires retirement advisors to act in their customers’ best interests, would allow Wall Street to continue to grab more than $17 billion a year — tens of millions of dollars a day — from retiree savings,’ she said. ‘This decision is not justified by the facts, and it is a betrayal of the public interest.'”

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AFR IN THE NEWS: Ohio senators split votes on Trump pick to lead Treasury (Dayton Daily)

“‘It should be a very grave concern to every Senator that new evidence that One West engaged in illegal robo-signing keeps turning up, even though Mnuchin denied it,’ said Lisa Donner, executive director of Americans for Financial Reform. ‘They should be demanding honest answers, and demand that any candidate for Treasury Secretary demonstrate a commitment to following the law.’”

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AFR IN THE NEWS: Trump Begins Assault on Dodd-Frank Financial Regulations (NY Times)

“‘The administration apparently plans to turn over financial regulation to Wall Street titan Goldman Sachs, and make it easier for them and other big banks like Wells Fargo to steal from their customers and destabilize the economy,’ said Lisa Donner, executive director of Americans for Financial Reform, an advocacy group that supports Dodd-Frank. ‘That betrays the promises Trump made to stand up to Wall Street, and it will have dire consequences if he’s successful.’”