Category Archives: Financial Reform News

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AFR Statement: CFPB Right to Act Against Forced Arbitration

CFPB issued a final regulation ensuring that consumers can join together to challenge financial fraud and scams in court. The rule limits the use of forced arbitration, a process Wall Street banks and predatory lenders use to evade accountability and keep their misconduct out of the public eye.

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AFR Report: 2017 Big Bank Stress Tests Less Stressful Than Ever

The slide presentation linked below documents AFR’s findings on the 2017 CCAR stress tests. AFR Assessing the 2017 Stress Tests A Medium blog post is also available here:

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AFR IN THE NEWS: Trump’s Threats to Break Up Banks Aren’t Scaring Wall Street Yet (Bloomberg)

“Marcus Stanley, policy director at Americans for Financial Reform, said that he has a hard time taking Trump at his word, especially since he has populated his administration with finance executives. ‘So far, Trump has just talked up Glass-Steagall without actually doing anything, which is what you’d expect from a guy who puts big banks in charge of policy,’ said Stanley, whose group would like to see the law reinstated.”