Category Archives: Financial Reform News

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Professor Alan White: The Question is Not Whether to Regulate But How

Professor Alan White recently submitted an op-ed to the South Bend Tribune about the need for better financial regulations.  Among other things, his piece says: Much of the debate regarding the proposed Consumer Financial Protection Agency misses the point. The question is not whether banking,

Senator Tester: Bank “Bailout” Ad False

The Helena Independent Register reports that Senator Jon Tester (D, MT) refutes misleading ads claiming that the financial reform bill is a bank “bailout.”  Here is an excerpt: A little-known political group with links to conservative and Republican Party figures is urging Montanans to oppose

“Robin Hood” Tax Could Raise $700 Billion

More than 50 charities are supporting a British campaign to levy a tax on transactions between financial institutions, which can be used to help fight poverty, protect public services and tackle climate change.   The 0.05% “Robin Hood” tax on financial trades could raise $700bn for

Action Center: Tell Congress to Hold Banks Accountable

Tell Congress to Hold Banks Accountable Join Americans for Financial Reform and our allies around the country in our first National Senate Call-in Week, March 1 – 4, 2010. AFR is joined in this effort by our large coalition of organizations, small businesses, and individuals.