Category Archives: AFR in the News

Bill Moyers Discussion on Financial Reform with AFR’s Heather Booth

The power of the people. Earlier this fall, the JOURNAL traveled to Chicago to check in with protestors outside the American Banking Association’s annual convention. This week, Bill Moyers spoke with veteran organizers Heather Booth, director of Americans for Financial Reform, and George Goehl, executive

No Thumbnail US House Floor Debate on Consumer Agency Delayed

AFR’s Press Conference with small business owners and Representative Keith Ellison was covered in this article on  Here’s an excerpt: WASHINGTON (MNI) – While the House vote on the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection was delayed Wednesday, supporters and opponents kept up their

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The Hill: Financial groups push back on ‘cramdown’ mortgage measure

AFR was mentioned in this article in The Hill.  Here is an excerpt: Financial industry groups are launching a broadside against an amendment to financial overhaul legislation that would empower bankruptcy judges to alter home mortgages. The industry for years has fought against the policy,

Huffington Post: In the Public Interest

Ed Mierzwinski wrote this great summary of the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009 (HR 4173) on the Huffington Post.  Here’s an excerpt, mentioning AFR: Call Congress at 202-225-3121 and ask your Representative to join with Americans for Financial Reform in supporting

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Consumerism Commentary

Host Tom Dziubek spoke with Heather Booth, Executive Director of Americans for Financial Reform.  Americans for Financial Reform is a coalition of over two hundred national, state and local consumer, labor, retiree, investor, community and civil rights organizations.  Tom and Heather discussed current and future

The New Republic: Could Wall Street Actually Lose in Congress?

The New Republic published this article detailing how Members of Congress have shifted their thinking on derivatives – and for once, the shift benefits Main Street rather than Wall Street.  The article cites pressure from Americans for Financial Reform as one of the reasons for

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My DD: Saying ‘No’ to Corporate America

My DD posted this article which refers to Americans for Financial Reform.   Here’s an excerpt: By Zach Carter, Media Consortium Blogger By proposing financial reforms that won’t curb Wall Street excess, U.S. policymakers have offered an unacceptably weak response to our enormous financial crisis. If

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Roll Call: Financial Lobbyists Man the Battle Stations

Americans for Financial Reform appeared in this Roll Call article.  Excerpt: Consumer advocates are counting on Dodd to help push back on industry’s attempt to narrow reform. Groups such as Americans for Financial Reform have already started reaching out to the Banking panel’s staff to