Category Archives: AFR in the News

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LA Times: Financial Industry’s Anxiety is Rising Over Obama’s Plan

The Los Angeles Times recently ran this piece about President Obama’s new financial reform proposals, focusing on those which tackle high-risk securities trading and investments in private equity funds and hedge funds. “The staging of the proposal’s unveiling — presented at the White House by

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Politico: Left Lends Support to President Obama recently posted an article about President Obama’s new proposals to rein in Wall Street, and mentioned the efforts of Americans for Financial Reform, especially in generating petitions and letters to Congress. “But those who like the new populist turn in Obama’s style were quick

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Boston Globe article on Dodd’s retirement, financial reform

The Boston Globe published this article about Senator Dodd’s retirement announcement and the way it will affect financial reform.  The full article is available here, and the quote about Americans for Financial Reform is copied below. “The best way to protect consumers is to have

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Huffington Post: Retirements and the Establishment

A recent article by Mike Lux of  the Huffington Post mentioned AFR in connection with Senator Dodd’s retirement announcement and the upcoming Senate debate on financial reform.  You can read the full article here; the excerpt referring to AFR is copied below. The movement against

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Marketplace: How Dodd’s Retirement Affects Reform

This story about Senator Dodd’s retirement announcement was on Marketplace on January 6th.  A quote from AFR featured on this segment is highlighted below. Heather BOOTH: We appreciate the leadership he’s provided and have never thought this was the time for politics. But the time

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Politico: ‘Big is bad’ catches on in Congress

A recent Politico article about “the populist angst aimed at Wall Street banks” talked about the growing strength of the movement to label big banks and institutions as bad for the country as a whole.  AFR’s Heather Booth was quoted in the article.  You can

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Stamford Plus: Connecticut and national leaders praise Dodd’s career, a Connecticut news source, published this article about local and national reactions to Senator Dodd’s retirement announcement and included a quote from AFR.  You can read the full article here. Heather Booth, Executive Director, Americans for Financial Reform: “We greatly appreciate Sen. Dodd’s years

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USAToday: Financial Sector Ups Lobbying Effort Over New Regulation Plan

Americans for Financial Reform was mentioned in this USAToday article.  Here is an excerpt: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has spent $2 million on advertising, including commercials slamming the creation of a federal consumer-protection agency, and plans to spend more, said David Hirschmann, CEO of