Category Archives: AFR in the News

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New York Times: Reconcilation for 2 Financial Reform Bills

A recent article in the New York Times focused on the conference process for the recently-passed Senate version of financial reform legislation.  AFR’s Director was quoted in the article: In another sign of the unusual political dynamics that have accompanied the monthslong debate over the

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MarketWatch: Consumers Win Protections in Bank-Reform Bill

MarketWatch covered the recent Senate vote for financial reform, and mentioned AFR Director Heather Booth in their article after the bill’s passage. “Yesterday we won an enormous victory for Main Street against Wall Street,” said Heather Booth, executive director of Americans for Financial Reform. “There

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Roll Call: Consumer Group Lays Out Financial Reform Strategy

Roll Call reported on AFR’s positions on the Senate financial reform bill: The consumer-backed Americans for Financial Reform laid out its amendment strategy Tuesday, saying it intends to strengthen provisions in the Senate financial regulatory reform bill while defending against Wall Street’s attempts to weaken

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Daily Kos: Financial Reform and Exploding Toasters

Daily Kos recently blogged about our webinar with Professor Elizabeth Warren and AFR’s other efforts, including a new partner site to fight back against the Chamber of Commerce’s lies.  The blog entry says: In a conference call for Americans for Financial Reform this week, Elizabeth

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Heather Booth to Revolution Boston: We Need Reform

Listen to AFR Director Heather Booth discuss financial reform, the causes of the economic crisis, and how to get involved in the fight to rein in the big banks here. Heather’s portion begins around 19:30.

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NYT: Unions Make Strides as They Attack Banks

The New York Times published an article discussing how labor unions have been helping in the fight for financial reform.  AFR was mentioned in the following excerpt: Unions are holding up many of their own members as victims of the banks’ bad bets, like subprime

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CNBC Article on Consumers’ Attitude Toward New Legislation

CNBC reported that consumers are almost unanimous about the need for financial reform.  The article touched on different activist campaigns that are underway concerning the issue.  Also discussed was the resistance coming from organizations such as the American Bankers Association. Americans for Financial Reform was

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Heather McGee Interviewed About Financial Reform and the Fed on CNBC

Heather McGhee, the Director of the Washington office of Demos and a member of Americans for Financial Reform, was interviewed on CNBC this morning about Senator Dodd’s financial reform proposal.  The segment below focuses on the proposed rule of the Federal Reserve in the new

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Huffington Post: The Two Rules of Real Financial Reform

Fight Club fans take note!  AFR Executive Director Heather Booth wrote up the rules of real financial reform for the Huffington Post.  Here are first few: The first rule of real financial reform is that you can’t stop fighting for it. The second rule of

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Presidential Reunion Puts AFR in the Spotlight

Americans for Financial Reform has been getting lots of press attention related to the recent financial reform video from FunnyorDie, which you can read more about and watch here.  Here is a sample of news outlets that have mentioned AFR in their articles; click on