Category Archives: AFR in the News

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NYT: Dodd Comments on State of Financial Reform Bill

In a recent article about financial reform legislation, Senator Dodd talked about the bipartisan work that has been done so far but said, “for now we have reached an impasse.”  AFR was mentioned in the article: Heather Booth, executive director of Americans for Financial Reform,

Heather Booth: Beware Frank Luntz’s Lies

AFR Director Heather Booth has a new column on the Huffinton Post exposing Frank Luntz’s lies about financial reform.  Here’s an excerpt from her post: Seen this ad from the “Committee for Truth in Politics”? If the name weren’t comical enough, the visuals are. But

Heather Booth’s Latest Blog Post on Financial Reform and Jobs

Heather Booth, the Executive Director of Americans for Financial Reform, is now blogging on the Huffington Post.  Click here to read her profile and subscribe to her blog. This week, she’s talking about the link between unemployment and the need for financial reform, especially given

Watch AFR’s John Taylor on Fox Business News

John Taylor, President & CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), discussed the next wave of AIG bonuses on Fox Business News. In response to another guest’s hemming and hawing about what is appropriate compensation and how a salary is defined, John really made

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U.S. Lawmaker to Push For Crackdown on Speculation

Americans for Financial Reform was mentioned in this New York Times Dealbook article about Senator Cantwell’s support for greater regulation of futures markets and derivatives.  From the article: A key U.S. lawmaker is set to join forces with several business groups on Wednesday to call

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LA Times: Financial Industry’s Anxiety is Rising Over Obama’s Plan

The Los Angeles Times recently ran this piece about President Obama’s new financial reform proposals, focusing on those which tackle high-risk securities trading and investments in private equity funds and hedge funds. “The staging of the proposal’s unveiling — presented at the White House by

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Politico: Left Lends Support to President Obama recently posted an article about President Obama’s new proposals to rein in Wall Street, and mentioned the efforts of Americans for Financial Reform, especially in generating petitions and letters to Congress. “But those who like the new populist turn in Obama’s style were quick

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Boston Globe article on Dodd’s retirement, financial reform

The Boston Globe published this article about Senator Dodd’s retirement announcement and the way it will affect financial reform.  The full article is available here, and the quote about Americans for Financial Reform is copied below. “The best way to protect consumers is to have

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Huffington Post: Retirements and the Establishment

A recent article by Mike Lux of  the Huffington Post mentioned AFR in connection with Senator Dodd’s retirement announcement and the upcoming Senate debate on financial reform.  You can read the full article here; the excerpt referring to AFR is copied below. The movement against