Category Archives: AFR in the News

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At Long Last, Senate Getting to Yes

A recent Politico article about financial reform mentioned AFR’s field operation and talked about how field events hammered home the need for reform.  Click here to read the full article. From the article: A major Wall Street reform bill that seemed in trouble just a

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Elizabeth Warren To Head Consumer Protection Bureau?

The Huffington Post recently published an article speculating that Elizabeth Warren will likely be appointed as head of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, as she is the top candidate right now. Here is an excerpt from the article: Once President Obama signs Wall Street

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IndyStar: Out of the Casino, Into the Open

Ronnetta Spalding, of AFR’s Indianapolis, Indiana field office, had this Op-Ed placed in the IndyStar recently.  Click here to go to the IndyStar website. House-Senate conferees have agreed on a Wall Street reform bill that is a clear victory for the people and a defeat

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AP: Study often replaces crackdowns

AFR’s Heather Booth was quoted in this AP article.  Excerpt: WASHINGTON — What to do about the size of too-big-to-fail banks? Order a study. How to hold stockbrokers accountable for their dealings with clients? Another study. How to ensure the reliability of credit rating agencies?

Boston Globe: Popular Brown also takes hits

The Boston Globe ran a this story about the Massachusetts arm of AFR on July 2, 2010.  Excerpt: That helps explain the gold BMW 328i with the 2 1/2-foot bow on New Sudbury Street yesterday. And the limousine that idled on the same street in