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Credit Rating Agencies Franken Letter of Support

May 4, 2010 Hon. Al Franken 320 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Re: Support the Franken Amendment to Eliminate the Conflict of Interest in Credit Rating Assignments Dear Senator Franken: We are writing on behalf of the undersigned organizations to express our strong

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AFR Supports the Pre-funded Orderly Liquidation Fund

The Honorable Chairman Dodd Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 April 9, 2010 Dear Chairman Dodd, The over 250 consumer, employee, investor, community and civil rights groups who are members of Americans for Financial Reform (AFR) are writing

Senate Debates Financial Reform

“The Restoring American Financial Stability Act” (S. 3217) is a good start but must be strengthened as it is discussed in the Senate.  Read about the key ingredients to real financial reform. Read our fact sheets and letters to Congress about the bill. Read all

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Fact Sheet: No Carve-Outs for Auto Dealers

Auto dealers are heading to Capitol Hill seeking a special carve-out from the “Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010” (S. 3217), which aims to put an end to the reckless practices of Wall Street and the abusive and discriminatory tactics by finance companies of