All posts by admin

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Conference Comparison Charts and Other Resources

The following charts and documents were created to compare and contrast House and Senate bills in the Conference period. Click here for the US PIRG scorecard. Top 10 Things About Financial Reform (fact sheet) AFR Conference Priorities (as of May 27) CFPA Comparison Chart (doc)

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Regulating Private Equity: A Jobs Issue

Attached is a page of examples of leveraged buyouts by hedge funds or private equity firms that have resulted in job losses around the country. In many cases, despite job losses, these deals resulted in huge profits for the investors. Recently, economists have begun registering

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AFR: Avoid CFPA Carve Outs

May 6, 2010 The Honorable Harry Reid The Capitol, S-221 Washington, DC 20050 Dear Senator Reid: As members of Americans for Financial Reform, a coalition of more than 250 consumer, labor, investor, community, civil rights and business groups, we write to you today to ask