All posts by admin

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AFR to Frank and Dodd: Support Derivatives Reform

June 11, 2010 Chairman Christopher Dodd Chairman Barney Frank Dear Senator/Representative: We write on behalf of Americans for Financial Reform, an unprecedented coalition of over 250 national, state and local groups who have come together to reform the financial industry. Members of our coalition include

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AFR and Others Support a Strong FTC

Americans for Financial Reform and the undersigned groups support a strong FTC Senate Conferees Should Recede to the House on Section 4901 of HR 4173 Dear Conferee, We write on behalf of Americans for Financial Reform, an unprecedented coalition of more than 250 national, state

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Polls Show Voters Support Financial Reform

With Congress finishing up work on Wall Street reform, it’s clear the high ground is with those supporting strong reform.  Read about actions supporting financial reform across the country here. 53% of Americans want their Congressional candidate to support reforming Wall Street, 25% enthusiastically so.

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Preventing Foreclosures for the Unemployed

June 10, 2010 The Honorable Christopher Dodd The Honorable Barney Frank Re: Preventing foreclosures for the unemployed We strongly encourage the Conference Committee to support inclusion of the House passed provision to create a loan program for jobless homeowners in the final version of the

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AFR Conference Derivatives Letter

June 11, 2010 Chairman Christopher Dodd United States Senate Washington, DC 20510 Chairman Barney Frank United States House of Representatives Washington, DC 20510 Dear Senator/Representative: We write on behalf of Americans for Financial Reform, an unprecedented coalition of over 250 national, state and local groups