All posts by admin

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Elizabeth Warren News “Rap-up”

Remember our post about the Main Street Brigade’s rap video about Elizabeth Warren? Well, it’s causing quite a stir. Take a look at all the coverage the video is getting! CNBC has noticed the video, and says that Warren is “rap’s new sheriff” Bloomberg TV

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Valley Community Bank Responds to Dodd-Frank

In a press release, the mid-sized California bank says the bill succeeded in standing up for Main Street banks: “Washington policymakers understood the difference between Wall Street and Main Street banking when they included important concessions for community banks in the new Wall Street Reform

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Key Elements of Financial Reform

Our friends at Consumer Action have put together a handy fact sheet about the key elements of the new financial reform legislation.  Click here to read the fact sheet (pdf) and learn about what the new law will do regarding the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau,

Elizabeth Warren Rap Video – Got a New Sheriff

Our favorite candidate to lead the CFPA, Elizabeth Warren, is the subject of a new rap video supporting her nomination. The video comes courtesy of our friends at the Main Street Brigade.  Want to show your support for Elizabeth Warren? Take a look at this