All posts by admin

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Consumer Federation of America Press Release: Don’t Handcuff the CFPB

View the press release in pdf form here. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:                                              CONTACT: May 4, 2011                                                                            Travis Plunkett, 202-939-1004 Jack Gills, 202-737-0766 HOUSE MOVES TO HANDCUFF NEW CONSUMER FINANCIAL AGENCY –Legislation Will Give Discredited Banking Regulators Vast Power to Block Needed Protections– The Consumer Federation of

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AFR’s Talking Points on HR 1610

TALKING POINTS ON HR 1610 The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC) report made clear that unregulated derivatives markets played a critical role in the financial crisis of 2008. HR 1610 would create major loopholes in the Dodd-Frank derivatives rules. It would prevent regulators from requiring

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AFR Urges Members of Congress to Oppose H.R. 1539

Read AFR’s letter to members of congress calling for their opposition to H.R. 1539, a bill that would hamstring the Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act’s effort to hold Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations (NRSROs) to a higher standard of conduct.

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AFR Urges Members of Congress to Oppose H.R. 1062

Read our letter to members of congress urging their opposition to H.R. 1062, that will repeal Section 953(b) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Section 953(b) requires public companies to disclose the pay disparity ratio between the company CEO and the median employee of the company.