Monthly Archives: June 2014

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AFR Statement: The Senate Looks at Student Loan Debt

40 million Americans currently owe some $1.2 trillion in student loan debt, which is making it hard for people to buy cars, homes, and even daily necessities. In one recent survey, 29 percent of borrowers said that student loans had caused them to delay getting married…

So this is a problem that fully deserves the double-barreled attention it is getting from the Senate. And more: it deserves meaningful action from regulators and legislators alike.

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AFR in the News: Massad Heads to U.S. Swaps Agency as Wall Street Seeks Rollback

“There is still ‘great risk of going back even on the commitments that have been made final,’ said Marcus Stanley, policy director at Americans for Financial Reform… ‘In no way is he just a caretaker for a job that’s just been completed by somebody else,” Stanley, referring to Massad, said in an interview. ‘To make derivatives reform a reality means taking on some powerful interests and pushing forward against significant opposition and we hope he’s up to it.’”