Sign Mortgage Fraud Petition

Please join thousands of people who are calling on the State Attorneys General to take a tough stand in their negotiations with big banks over mortgage fraud.

Because the response to this petition has been so strong, we’re holding it open for another 48 hours, so please forward this message to your friends and family and ask them to add their names by visiting.

Homeowners from many states will be meeting with their Attorneys General in the coming days and we want to show how much public support there is for holding big banks accountable for the damage they’ve caused to homeowners, communities and the overall economy.

The meeting between Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller and 100 homeowners from 15 states was the first time that the Attorney General who is leading a fifty-state investigation into mortgage fraud had met face-to-face with homeowners.

After hearing passionate testimonies from families who have lost their homes as a result of bank fraud, Mr. Miller announced that he supports a settlement with the big banks that requires significant principal rate reductions, loan modifications, compensation for citizens defrauded of their homes and criminal prosecutions against big bank executives who broke the law.

Our next step is to meet with the Attorneys General in other states so that they also take a tough stand on behalf of homeowners and communities that have been hurt by unnecessary and often illegal foreclosures. You can help grow this movement to hold banks accountable and restore the American economy by forwarding this message to your friends and asking them to sign the petition at