Tag Archives: AIG

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AFR Statement: Treasury Report on Systemic Risk Designation of Large Non-Banks

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Nov. 20, 2017 CONTACT Carter Dougherty carter@ourfinancialsecurity.org (202) 251-6700 Treasury Memorandum Weakens Systemic Risk Supervision On Friday the Treasury Department released a memorandum on the process used by the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) to designate large systemically significant non-bank financial institutions

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AFR Urges Sen. Corker: Stand Up for Your Work

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATE: April 19, 2010 Campaign Urges Sen. Corker:  Stand Up for Your Work As Republican Leaders Attack Corker’s Wall Street Accountability Bill, Tennesseans Will Send Message to Stay Strong Washington DC – On the eve of the Senate battle over holding Wall

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Fact Check: Big Banks Must Pay Up

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE The so-called $50 billion “bailout slush fund” would force big banks to pay not taxpayers Washington, DC – Americans for Financial Reform denounces the misstatements by opponents of reform – including Senators Shelby and DeMint – that have been spreading surrounding a measure in the Senate financial

Watch AFR’s John Taylor on Fox Business News

John Taylor, President & CEO of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC), discussed the next wave of AIG bonuses on Fox Business News. In response to another guest’s hemming and hawing about what is appropriate compensation and how a salary is defined, John really made

What Caused the Crisis at AIG?

US Taxpayers spent $180 billion to bail out AIG – and bought an 80% stake in the company in the process.  Sign the open letter to AIG here! As taxpayers and majority shareholders in AIG, we ask that you immediately release all emails, internal accounting